Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feeling good, feeling great...

MAN! Today was a good day and I'm feeling like the universe is trying to prepare me for something. No sooner than I had posted my last entry, I got a phone call from a placement co that I signed up with after my stint at FIDM (back in SEPTEMBER). They wanted to forward my resume to a company. A company that I would LOVE to work for. I submitted. I got an interview.

Stellar, right?

Soon thereafter, things at my present employer started to happen that made it look highly unsavory to me. Missing money from my paycheck, headbutts with coworkers, little things here and there. Coincidence? We'll see.

I'm so excited that I even got to interview. Getting this job would mean finally, FINALLY, beginning my career.


I'm so excited.

Outside of that, I've made the decision to only use natural products in my hair, so no more store bought stuff for me. I just got 2lbs if shea butter (they were like, $4 each!) and some oils from Madina and am excited to see what happens to my hair and skin in the process. I've heard such great things.

Overall, today was a good day. Tomorrow, I'm headed out to Debut, the FIDM fashion show featuring the 3rd year fashion design students and Saturday, I have a wedding to go to.

Life is feeling better. I like it.


Muze said...

well i'm happy for you chica. i know you will nail the interview and start one heck of a career.

are you still in LA? if so i need a HUGE favor...i need to know some things about LA, particular in regards to being a college student (USC) but not only. email me and let me know...i have a few questions for you! thanks a bunch!


Eb the Celeb said...

Is this madina stuff better than what I can get on the block in harlem?


InnyVinny said...

It's cheap and you get a whole lot. I've never seen a pound of shea butter for less than $4 anywhere.